What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*1:53 a.m.* - *2002-07-10 *

~*The Non-official Cast and Crew*~

Instead of having random people be confused when I mention people, here's a list of all the people who are important to me. ^_^ Or at least, people I mention. I guess the list is kinda short...or kinda long for someone who claims to be antisocial. I dunno, you pick.

*Nezumi - Nezumi is my alter-ego, I guess. ^_^; Nezumi means mouse, but she's a cat girl. ^_^; She's the character I made up that represents me. She's the Goddess of Evil, and she hunts and catches Bishounens (and if you don't know what that means, you don't know me well enough.) She's got black cat ears and tail, and purple hair! ^_^ Yes, yes, that's her on my page logo...

*Genesis - My bestest friend in the whole world! Putting it simply, anyway. For the most part we're different as night and day, with anime being our only major common ground. ^_^;; Bubble-headed, clumsy, loud and annoying are a few of her finer qualities (but I love her anyway. ^.~) Referred to as Ra-chan.

*Roalee - Former co-worker, current roommate. I actually met her through the theater. She's a lot like me in some ways, and way different in others. We get along well (most of the time) And the two of us together can make up for each other's shortcomings and get almost anything accomplished! ^_^ Too bad we both procrastinate too much for it to happen often though. ^_^;;; Referred to as Roalee, or Za-chan if i think about it.

*Moises - My OTHER roommate, who now works with me at Walgreen's. He works, eats, and plays EQ. @_@ And if you're thinking he sounds like a typical geek boy, I'm going to laugh at you right now. This one is practically his own species. Referred to as Momo-kun.

*Geoff - I went to school with him, and still see him every now and then. He's really laid back, um, stuff. ^_^;; Let's just say we don't share many interests.

*Randy - Former co-worker with an ego the size of China. He's got a kickass band that I would LOVE to go see perform again! ::pokes Roalee::

*Brendan - Former coworker who now lives in Cali. ^_^; Total movie buff, and loves the cookies I make. We keep saying we're gonna go down there to visit him...when we have money to do it. Referred to as B-kun (or for kicks, Biscuit!)

*Lisa - Lisa is my kid sister. She says she's the only human kitty girl, but I have yet to see her meow subconsiously. ^.~ She's a brat and she takes everything for granted, but she's my kid sister and I love her anyway.

*Molina - Another of my former management co-workers, who came to work at Walgreen's with me! ^_^; But she's leaving again! Why, Molina, why?!

*Ms. Doyea - My boss at Walgreen's. I like her a lot! I guess other people don't, though. ^_^; She's got a good balance of business minded-ness while still taking the needs of individuals in consideration. She's the kind of boss I like working for.

*Ms. Waldman - One of the Walgreen's assistants who stresses me out completely! Grr! Woman, I respect you as a person, but you take yourself FAR too seriously!

*Yoru - The dragon-boy in my diaryland image. ^_^ He's the God of Evil from the Bishounen Farm fanfic, and more like me than I care to admit. Probably more so than Nezumi is...

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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