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*12:02 a.m.* - *April 15, 2005 *

~*Long story short (AKA SAKURA-CON '05)!*~

Whoo!! I haven't written in THIS blog in a while...I'm just so used to miniscule griping in my other one. ^_^;
For those who don't know (and I don't know who doesn't) the anime convention I always attend, Sakura-con, was this last weekend. After the insane amount of stress and lack of sleep, I was ready for some fun. ^_^ And I got it (sans Saturday night, but...well, we won't go into it.)
I told myself, "I WILL get enough sleep the night before the con this time! I will I will!" Nope. Didn't happen. I was up till almost 5:30 and we got up at 7. @_@ I'm starting NOW on costumes this year.
Sleepiness aside, we got to the con on time. and in full costume! ^_^; Might I say that the costumes I made myself were very popular. Jared as Hiei and Gen as Kurama got stopped all weekend for their pictures! And Roalee's time-consuming Isis costume was popular as well! I was SO DAMN PROUD of my skills as a costumer! Though...I'll probably get slapped for saying this, but I didn't really enjoy having Gen's brother around, y'know? I know he likes anime and all, but why does she have to pull her family into everything we try to do? I'm tired of it! But that's not what this entry is about, ne...?
Friday was kinda a blur! ^_^; Lots of walking, doing random things...oh yeah, and the AMV contest. Which kinda sucked this year. But I got to play Para Para afterwords! ^_^; And there were lots of excellent cosplayers to get pictures of...
Four hours of sleep later it was...Saturday! Yay, the dealer's room! ^_^ I got yaoi doujinshi! *purr* Mi-kun called me a perv! *purrs more* Hell yeah I'm a perv! ^.~ WHat was your first clue? I didn't get to spend as much time in there as I would have liked, no thanks to CERTAIN people in our party...geez, maybe I should just hang out alone at cons from now on. But either way, it was time for the cosplay.
Which was AWESOME. >D The best part was when the two J-ROCKers were kissing on stage. I'll leave it at that, since my opinion on it differs from the others'.
And then the concert! God, the concert...>D Kumiko Kato was the opening act, and I'd never heard her music before. But it's awesome, and she herself was SOOOOOOO cute! I'll definitely buy her CD when it comes out!
While waiting they played the first episode of Soukyuu no Fafner in English (since the main act, angela, sings the opening.) It was cool! I wanna see more...and then Angela came on stage! AWESOME!!!! Not only does Atsuko have an incredible voice..but Katsu was FREAKING HOT!!!! Oh my God, real life platinum haired bishie...Roalee was fangirling over him more then I was! They talked to us between songs, and taught us the dance to Asu E no Brilliant Road that they demonstrated at Otakon last year when they opened for L'arc en Ciel...I already knew it, so I got to look around and see how many poeple had no sense of rhythm at all. Which was most of them. ^_^; And for an encore they did Zankoku Tenshi no Thesis!!! NOTHING could have made me happier! ^_^;
I liked them so much I waited in line for a couple hours to get their autograph. @_@ And bought their CD, needless to say.
Sunday was basically more shopping! ^_^ four used DVDs, three yaoi doujin, two anime figure sets, a giant Sesshoumaru plushie, a Scrapped Princess box and a partridge in a pair tree. ^.~

This year's experiment: passed!

And now I'm tired of writing! Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
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