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Whooooo are you....

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*3:24 a.m.* - *December 09, 2004 *

~*Beginning of the end...?*~

Grr. I'm REALLY STEAMED right now. I was having an OK right up until a little bit ago...
To understand what I'm so angry about, go here.
The basic jist, in case anyone is too lazy to read the article, is that Media Factory Inc. (a Japanese anime production company) has sent both mail and e-mail to the creator of animesuki to make them stop distributing fansubs of their anime. And so animesuki has chosen to stop linking these anime, to avoid any legal action. Even though this was only announced a day or two ago, this is already creating quite a stir among the anime communities. Does this mean other companies will follow this company's lead...?
Now, this REALLY pisses me off. Not for the fact that it means I won't be able to get those anime, exactly. But as a lot of people already fear, this could potentially signify the beginning of the end of fansubs. That's a pretty scary thought for those of us who have no other way with keeping up with the newest releases in Japan.
Personally I think this move will be much more damaging to the Japanese anime companies than they realize. I KNOW I'm not the only person who downloads fansubs to see if I will have an interest in a series. There are many, many series I wouldn't have watched or bought at all if I hadn't first seen at least a little of it on fansub. Fansubs produce an interest in anime, making them that much more marketable. Inuyasha, as well as Fullmetal Alchemist were already insanely popular by the time they were brought here for that very reason...
Truthfully, I'm even more angered by the thought that actions like this one are brought forth by the idiots who DON'T replace their fansubs with the official releases when they become licensed. I can't even begin to count the amount of 'fans' I know whose entire collections consist of nearly all fansubs. Licensed or not, it doesn't matter. So if any of these kind of people are reading this, know that if the end of fansubbing comes to pass I blame it solely on YOU. Bastards.
Okay. ^_^; This concludes my rant of the day. I just had to get all that off my chest! Gomen gomen, ja ne.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
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