What *ARE* you talking about?!

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OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

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MY Diaryring!

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*4:01 a.m.* - *November 10, 2004 *

~*Perfect Hair Forever!*~

Horrible day. Horrible horrible horrible. The worst in a long, long while. But I'm so emotionally exhausted that I no longer feel like griping. Time for banter!

To fill the time in my loneliness I've been watching anime. Lots and lots of anime. I finally got around to watching Bastard! Last night, and it was good. Real good. The only problem is that...it's not finished! Damn you all to hell! Stupid Japanese, drawing me in then letting me down...
Adult Swim's been showing stuff I haven't seen lately too. Super Milk Chan premiered over the weekend. It's crack anime on tranquilizers. As someone on the Adult Swim boards put it, it wants to be Excel Saga but isn't, and could never be. It took me a few hours to ponder whether I liked or hated it. Data: inconclusive. I shall have to watch more before deciding.
Another anime I've been wanting to see: Wolf's Rain! I never have time to watch TV on Saturdays, so I'm so happy they put it on weekday nights. The dub isn't bad. I have been dying to see this anime ever since I watched a couple eps at Sakura-con '03.
Speaking of Sakura-con...so many costumes! We really gotta get our asses haulin' on costume parts. Patterns and material would be nice at this point. I really should start on things I have to sew. I'm anxious about getting them done in time. There are just so many...
I bought a new anime the other day too....Boku no Sexual Harrassment (My Sexual Harrassment in English.) That anime is total porn. The story sucks a lot. No romance, just sex. ^_^; yaoi sex at that. Right up my alley, ne? ::purrs:: No one wanted to watch it with me...I wonder why? Ra-chan said it was "very educational." Hmm...
Adult Swim also aired this FUNNY FUNNY anime satire called "Perfect Hair Forever" the other day. People on the AS boards (which I Have become addicted to) say it sucked. Although, I realized most the ones who hated it weren't into anime at all. You really had to be into anime to get the humor in it. Uncle Grandfather...::snickers:: I hope they air it again soon.
Other than that and the trauma I don't feel like talking about...things have been kinda boring lately. I'm sure it's because the bulk of my time is spent sitting in the living room staring at the television by myself. I need to find more stuff to do. Maybe...more anime. ^_^;; That's what I need, right? More anime?
I think it's about time for bed. I'm kinda tired...musta worn myself out

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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