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OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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*11:22 a.m.* - *July 27, 2004 *

~*Va-ca-tion, all I ever wanted....*~

Whee! Back from California, a little tanner and a lot less stressed. That vacation was exactly what I needed, I'm telling you....a whole week of doing nothing but fun stuff.

The day we got there we kinda took it easy (good thing too...we hadn't slept the night before!) We had breakfast at a restaurant called Ruby's, then went over to this really gorgeous beach. Unfortunately there was a lot of hiking involved to get to it, and Roa-chan and I were both in sandals, so we didn't get to climb down to the water. We just kinda stood on a cliff and watched it for a while...it was really beautiful. Dinner at TGIFriday's (we'd never eaten there before) then home to watch a movie that I can't remember..^_^;;

Tuesday we went to Universal Studios. I was so excited! The last time I went there with my father the only thing we did was take the tram tour...what a waste. This time we got about half the rides done...well...we did all the things that weren't exactly rides, really. We didn't get a chance to go on the Back to the Future or Jurassic Park rides, but I guess that's alright. The Terminator 2 thing was awesome...I've never experienced 3-D quite like that before. And the Waterworld event was fun, since the pirate standing near us kept spraying people who passed with water. ^_^;; He threw buckets of it at the audience! I was very amused.

Wednesday we went to the Movieland Wax museum and the Ripley's Believe it or Not museum. I never thought any kind of museum could be so much fun! I really liked all the weird stuff in Ripley's, and some of the wax exibits were truely impressive. After that it was back to Brenden's for his weekly movie night. We got to meet his friends...though I didn't say much to them. I'm not much of a social person. ^_^; It was fun sitting around and making fun of the films though.

Thursday we went to Hollywood, looking at the Mann Chinese Theater and another wax museum. I bought souveniers for everyone, and didn't spend a lot of money doing it. Go me! ^.^ We had lunch at Mel's Diner, then Roalee and I were dumped back at his apartment while he went to work. The only thing to do at Brenden's is watch movies, since he doesn't have television or a workable computer. @_@ So movies we watched. I can't even remember all the films we watched! Ra-chan called me that night, which was nice. I missed hearing her voice.

Friday we didn't have a lot of time before Brenden worked, so we just went to the ENORMOUS mall by his house! God, that thing was huge....

(Brenden: That's what she said!)

I found a cute SD figure that looks a lot like Nezumi! I was so amused...then it was back to his apartment for...you guessed it...more movies! @_@ I liked Little Shop of Horrors best. @_@ The 1980's version. I like musicals! I want an Audrey II on the farm! But I guess I'll have to discuss that was Ra-chan later...^_^

Saturday: the San Diego Comic Con!! ^_^ YAY! I had been waiting for that all week! Sadly, it took us almost the entire day to get there...we didn't arrive till 4. And the events shut down around 7...sigh. Brenden wanted to watch the panel for Sarah Michelle Gellar, so did that. God, people who asked questions were dumb... "Oh Sarah, you're my idol! I love you, Buffy!" I felt sorry for the guy who was with her on the panel! the poor guy hardly got any questions at all...But on the bright side, I discovered that the new movie The Grudge is really the American remake of the Japanese horror movie Juon, which I have been dying to see! I was wondering when they were gonna bring that out. And because we were at the panel we all got posters for the Grudge, so all in all it wasn't so bad...

Then it was on to the Exhibitor's hall! Viz and Tokyopop had stopped giving out their goodie bags by the timr we got there...; ; Sad, because Viz was giving out an awesome canvas bag with Shounen Jump chars on it...oh well. There was PLENTY Of other free stuff to be had! Decorative fans, postcards, posters, manga samplers...we filled up our bags with that stuff alone! The exhibit booths were amazing. I wish we had booths like that at Sakura con! But I suppose with limited space you take what you can get.

This one stand we stopped at had a little sign that said "ask me about yaoi." So, I asked the guy about yaoi. ^_^ I'm glad I did, because he introduced me to a really good yaoi manga called Skyscrapers of Oz. I liked it a lot! If you're into that kind of thing, I really recommend looking for it. And the same company is bringing out the Level C manga the beginning of next year! I ended up talking to the guy for quite a while. ^_^;; The little we got to do was awesome. Someday I want to go long enough to do more....it's definitely a con that takes more than one day to do.

The one annoyance was when we walked all around San Diego searching for a place to eat. @_@ I never want to walk in a city that much ever again. Cities are scary. In the end we just drove out of San Diego and ate at McDonald's...

Sunday we spend the morning at Brendan's theater...Wow. 26 screens. I was HIGHLY impressed. Their booth was gigantic, and for the first time I got to see Cristie projectors. Roa-chan and I saw Shrek 2 and Farenheit 9/11, and then...it was time to go home! It was disappointing to see my vacation end, but by that time, I missed home. And my kitty. ^.~ Among other things, of course...Brenden just sorta dumped us off at the airport. ; ; I guess it wasn't practical for him to go in, since he couldn't come with us any further than the security checkpoint, but still...oh well.

After a very turbulent ride home, Ra-chan picked us up at the airport. Brr...it was almost cold compared to being in Cali. I really liked the past of Cali Brenden lived in. Near the ocean, nice and breezy, my allergies hardly acted up at all...I wouldn't mind living there someday.

Well, I guess that's it for now. ^_^ I have to go back to work today...I dunno how I feel about that. But I guess it's just one of those things you have to do, huh? Work to live, live to work...@_@ bah. Ja ne.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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