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*12:45 p.m.* - *March 01, 2004 *


Saw Passion of Christ yesterday. But rather than go into my feelings on the movie (my hand hurts...), there's something else about it that kind of bothers me.

I didn't cry.

I didn't even FEEL like crying. =/ Even though everyone else around me was. And what really disturbs me is that I felt like I SHOULD be affected that way, and I wasn't. I don't know why it is I'm unaffected by death. It seems like a lot of things that should have an emotional effect on me don't anymore. It's just a little bit scary, that's all.

Anyway, now that that's off my chest...on to happier things!

I came home from work to find my roommates watching Evangelion. YAY! ^_^ Finally getting Roalee to watch that series. We got through three volumes, then my sis brought the second volume of Pretear over. That series is so funny! Although the Himeno/Hayate relationship may turn me off to it before it's all over...it's like Fuushigi Yugi all over again..@_@ I couldn't tell you what about those kind of relationships annoys me, but they do. Oh well.

After that we decided to start on Samurai Deeper Kyo! It reminds me of Kenshin in a lot of ways, but it's also way different in others. I'm liking it a lot so far. I'm kinda mad that the main female char was cool to start with then immediately turned into a twit. =P I was so hoping for a likable one this time...and for anyone who has already seen the series, I've already come to the conclusion that Yukimura is my fave char. ^_^; But then, since when is a Megumi Ogata char NOT my fave...

I also decided that I need to reimmerse myself in Japanese stuff before the con. The other day I was trying to sing 'CHANGE THE WORLD' from Inuyasha...and couldn't remember half the words!! @_@ I had to open the romanji lyrics! It scared me...!

....No one understands my pain. ^_^;

Meanwhile, I bought a program to teach myself more Japanese. Hopefully, I can get some of THAT down before the con too. I wanna be able to read some hiragana and katakana this year! I always felt bad that I love so many Japanese things yet never made a conscious effort to learn the language...so. it's off to more studying for me. At least, until it's time for work. Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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