What *ARE* you talking about?!

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OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

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*1:08 a.m.* - *October 09, 2003 *

~*2B or not 2B...*~

Yesterday, I got an unsolicited comment from someone whose opinion matters a lot to me. It really bothered me at first, but I Had some time to think about it today and...well...now it kinda bothers me even more, frankly. One sided...meaning what? Gah, I'm getting paranoid again. Maybe I'm not SUPPOSED to think about it. But it IS upsetting me.

I'll try not think about it. At least, not right now. But I may consider bringing it up again...

We had a party for Ra-chan. It was pretty fun, I think. 'Cept Bitch Boy pissed me off. But that's nothing new. I think it's just safe to say I can't get along with men. Most of them anyway. Or maybe it's because he acts more like an annoying woman. I can't be sure.

But that wasn't the point. The party was fun. ^_^;; We didn't watch much anime, but Audge drew us some pics of our chars, and I once again feel inferior. He art's a billion times better than my own. I'm so jealous. I wish i could draw like that.

We got lots decided on the fanfic. I even started writing the meeting of the gods. Go me! I wish Ra-chan would hurry and write some more of the stuff she's got going though! ::glare::

Umm...the guys at work are all dorks. ^_^ I think maybe all men are dorks. And stupid. I should start keeping rocks in my purse, just to be safe. 'Cause they seem an awful lot like the boys at the theater. Then again, most of the girls aren't that great, either. Of course, maybe it's just because I don't like people. Or because they're all........NORMAL. I don't like normal people. They make me feel awkward. No wonder they all think I'm quiet. I have nothing to say to people who go out and get drunk every night. @_@ Gimme an otaku, dammit!

I guess that's all for now. Ra-chan's over, and I should see what she's doing. Ja.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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