What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

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*10:54 p.m.* - *June 17, 2003 *

~*cats, depression and stereotyping...*~

Yesterday, Roalee called me neurotic. Then she said that anyone who read this would most likely agree with that analysis. So I asked myself, 'what does neurotic mean?!' I mean, I've heard the word before, but I'm not entirely sure about it...so Dictionary.com's definition is:

neu�rot�ic (n-rtk, ny-)

Of, relating to, or affected with a neurosis. No longer in scientific use.

Informal. Overanxious: neurotic about punctuality.

Gee, THAT'S helpful. So I looked up Neurosis. And that is...

neu�ro�sis ( P ) (n-rss, ny-)

n. pl. neu�ro�ses (-sz)

Any of various mental or emotional disorders, such as hypochondria or neurasthenia, arising from no apparent organic lesion or change and involving symptoms such as insecurity, anxiety, depression, and irrational fears, but without psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations. No longer in scientific use.

...Yeah, I think that about sums me up. I'm a big ball of mental issues. I'm downright crazy. I'm just surprised no one has tried to lock me up yet.

Hencforth, I am neurotic.

Yesterday, Sydney jumped on the counter every five seconds while I was in the kitchen. I got very angry with her trying to get in my food, and she in turn got mad at me. Let me tell you, it is NOT fun to have the only thing that shows you affection hate you. She went to bother Roalee then, climbing into her lap and trying to eat her food, and moving in places that didn't allow Roalee to move from her spot.

Hencforth, our cat is an attention-whore.

And henceforth, Moises is an idiot. It's a unanimous decision. Read everyone else's diaries.

So what does that make Roalee? Other than cranky?

I think I've expended enough energy thinking today. I'm really down now. My sister was over a little bit ago, and I was so glad to have her company, but now I'm alone again. I have no one to talk to, no one to keep my distracted. The internet and TV aren't doing it for me anymore. I've come to the decision that I need to start working out. HARD. Maybe if I use up my energy on physical activity, I won't have any to spend on emotional activity..

I think I'll crawl under a rock and die now. Ja ne.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
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