What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*4:20 a.m.* - *June 03, 2003 *

~*Loss And Recovery*~

I'm writing today from Roalee's laptop! At the theater! "Why are you writing from the theater at 4 AM?", you ask? One, Roalee is still working on inventory and two, she and I are pulling an overnighter here because the fire panel is broken, and someone must be in the building 24/7 until it's fixed. Why they didn't come to fix it the day it broke I'll never know. But I suppose it's more important that the union workers get their time off than it is for a place of business to be up to code.

Anyway, Dez wants the person who stays to be a salaried manager, since she doesn't have to pay them more, of course. And since she would never do it herself and Eric refuses to do it anymore cause she screwed him over, Roalee was stuck with it. I didn't want to leave Roalee here by herself! (and I have to work in the morning, myself. ^_^;) Maybe when she's done we will go to IHOP and I can have coffee...oh, precious caffiene...

Speaking of precious, Sydney is the most attention-grubbing cat I've ever met! She can't be without someone for more than a few minutes. She spent the entire day yesterday crawling in our laps and licking our faces. Then when it was time for bed, I set her in her bed, and moments later she was in MY room! She started trouncing around on my giant pile of pillows while I tried to go to sleep, then she sat on my head and started licking my ear. ^_^; Silly thing. I love her to bits already. Which is why what happened today was so traumatizing for me...

We took Sydney to the vet for a checkup, like you should do for any new pet. What we discovered was more than we expected. It turns out she has a heart murmur. The vet informed us of it, and that she didn't know the severity of the problem that caused it, but that it was most likely she would not live a full cat life. And THEN she told us we should talk about whether or not we wanted to take her back to the Humane Society.

It wasn't the heart thing that got me so much as the thought of losing her so soon. I'd instantly bonded with her, and I'm finally starting to get over all the shit I've had to deal with, and if I had to part with her now, it would probably be more than I could take.

Fortunately, it seems we are going to take a chance at getting her some help. Roalee called the vet to make an appointment with a cardiologist, so we can find out just what's wrong with her. She was upset that the Humane Society didn't say anything about it, though. I don't blame her. Although, it's weird to think what the outcome might have been if we HAD known about it. Would we have even looked at her? Maybe the fact that we didn't know is a blessing in disguise. As far as I'm concerned, even with this defect, she is still the most perfect cat.

Other than that...I've been doing more work on my fanfic. Although, I don't know what direction to take with it now. Am I even supposed to work on it anymore? Well, if I can't figure something out, I suppose I can do a complete overhaul. I like the characters too much to let them just drop out of sight.

Nezumi: Not like we'd LET ourselves drop out of sight!

*sweatdrop* Yeah, well...getting back to that writing now. Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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