What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
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Gaia Online

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MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*6:03 p.m.* - *May 27, 2003 *

~*Return of the violent streak...*~

I woke up this morning hating the world. At work till 3:30 AM, then waking up at 9 to be at work at 11 sucks. My experience there didn't help any.

I'm really, really pissed off right now. I was sitting in the box talking to one of my cashiers after my shift was over, and John, this prick I really hate, comes up and asks Geoff for a pass. Mind you, I don't hate him for the typical reasons I hate the rest of mankind. I hate him because he pretends to know everything, he whines like a baby when he doesn't get his way, and he's constantly ragging on Moises, who hasn't done anything in particular to merit that kind of treatment. Yes, I know, I rag on Moises too. ^_^; But I feel that it's different when all of us rag on Moises, because we're his friends. We all rag on each other. It's almost like being family. But when someone outside the loop starts mistreating one of my friends...OOHH, it pisses me off.

At any rate...after getting the pass, John proceeds to tell Geoff and Renee that Moises and I are "litte bitches", because we made that asshole watch Matrix in the smaller theater when we were screening, and because we don't give him passes.

Now mind you, there was logic in this. Roalee was going to screen the one in 5, and obviously the only other person not technically being paid should be watching the other, right? Moises and I were merely there to watch the movie, and preferred to sit with Roalee than that prick...and as for the passes, why should we listen to him insult us, then smile and say "sure! go to any movie you want!" I don't think so. It doesn't work that way. And from what the other managers I've asked have said, I'm not required to do any different.

At that point I was about ready to jump off the ground, run outside and sock him one, but Geoff was motioning for me to stay down, since John couldn't see I was there. So I seethed and seethed..until he went away. Then I went in the office and seethed some more. And then I went in the lobby...and stayed far, far away from him until he left. That bastard. I really want to punch his lights out, just once...it would be so easy, too. The boy's such a wuss.

I cheered up a bit though, when Shawn told me I should go dump over a drink, run and tell Eric that John did it, then Eric would take a broom and bash John to death with it. THAT's funny. I like that mental image. ^_^

Anyway, I got lots of housework to do. I better get started if I want to finish this century...two days off! Whoohoo! ^_^ Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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