What *ARE* you talking about?!

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OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

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MY Diaryring!

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*12:18 p.m.* - *April 25, 2003 *

~*Jealous and heartbroken...wierd, ne?*~

I was almost totally not myself yesterday. I don't know what started it...acttually, I DO, but I'd rather not talk about it to anyone. Let's just say that I was a mess of mixed emotions. amd I'm not sure how to handle it or what to make of them. It's something I don't think I should be feeling, but nonetheless, I do. I suppose it's a habit for ME to break...

Well, we didn't sign the lease Wednesday, but we're definitely doing it next Wednesday. After a really fun trip to Ikea, I decied to stay at Roalee's to help her pack some of her boxes. We watched Roger Rabit more than we actually worked but...that's beside the point!

Thursday, I went to work for 3 hours, greeted 345 Costco employees who had rented out our largest theater for a private screening of Holes, dealt with angry customers who wanted to GO to Holes even though it wasn't available, and cleaned a massively trashed theater. And then. I sat around...being depressed. I think my co-workers asking about the situation started it all. Then I thought about the fact that it was Thursday, and that I had gotten into the habit of hanging out with her on Thursdays. I was feeling kinda self-destructive by that point. so I went to find Roalee and we went to Barne's. Not much there, but when I went to Wherehouse I found one copy of Kiki's Delivery Service on DVD! And it's bilingual!! ^_^ I bought it, of course, along with the 2nd volume of Yami no Matsuei. The funny thing is, the guy at the checkstand did all the preparing of the packages and whatnot, but only charged me for Kiki's Delivery service! I thought perhaps I had heard him wrong, but when I checked the reciept, no YnM there! My friends joked that the guy was checking me out. My response was that I didn't mind if it got me free anime. ^.~

So...as soon as I was back to the theater I felt worse than I did to begin with. I wanted to call her so badly...I think I remember trying at one point, but she didn't answer so I didn't bother with a message. What would I have said, anyway? What would I have said if she HAD picked up? That's my biggest problem, I'm a stubborn fool who doesn't know how to correctly apologize. Another habit to break? perhaps.

I played cards with Ben and Geoff for a while, then we went to Gamestop, where Geoff tried out Starfox Adventures. The graphics looked pretty cool, but it looked a little boring as well. I don't know. I'm not a big expert on games. Anyway, it was back to the theater, where some jackass had stolen a poster and Brent called the cops to kick him out. Then I ended up with Roalee again and she offered to take me to work in the morning. Thank you Roalee! ^_^ I so hate being a burden, I can't wait till I'm in the apartment where no one has to drive me...

And then, well....Ra-chan and Moises showed up.

Talk about mixed emotions...

I was REALLY happy to see her, don't get me wrong. I'm just such a stubborn fool that I couldn't TALK to her. And the fact that she was with Moises did something weird to my head, too. Like I said, don't ask. Rather than dealing with the problem, I just followed the other managers around like a lost, attention-deprived puppy, doing anything I could think of to keep myself distracted. I even braided Roalee's hair and stuck nametags in it. =/ And then, it was time to watch the movie.

It Runs In the Family was boring. I mean, it was KIND of funny, but I didn't enjoy it very much. Maybe it was because of the way I was feeling. At one point, after the grandmother in the movie died, Ra-chan ran out of the theater. I had kind of thought she might after I saw that scene coming, but...well...I wasn't really sure what to do. No one else seemed to do anything either, but after a moment I followed her to see if she was okay. But like the fool I am, I ran away when I heard her come out. -.-; Gah....

So...anyway. Hopefully this week will be hectic enough to keep my mind off things for a while. One can only hope. Ja.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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