What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*12:17 p.m.* - *April 23, 2003 *

~*Selling my soul to the devil!--er...landlord!*~

Well, it seems we're going to go sign the lease today. This should be interesting...I wonder what their decorating policies are? Can I paint? Can I put lots of holes in the wall? If not, well...I'll find a way around it. ^_^ Although making the place our own WOULD be totally fun...

My dad is taking this whole thing surprisingly well. He's being completely supportive, and is apparently getting us dishes and silverware! I didn't expect this reaction from him at all! Which makes me think that Moises is completely overreating to what he thinks his parents will say...maybe they will be supportive as well...? Or at least, not too opposed to the idea. ^_^; We shall see.

Um...other than that...reguarding myself and Ra-chan, we're not doing any better. As she said herself, we appear to be hating ourselves more than each other at the moment. But even then, we still can't talk to each other. -.-; In all honesty, we'll probably wind up not talking to each other for a week or so and then everything will be back to normal. I'm not emotionally exhausted from it that it's going to HAVE to pass or I'll end up killing myself or something. I'm sure my future roommates wouldn't appreciate that too much...

SO anyway. Ja.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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