What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*4:21 a.m.* - *January 15, 2003 *

~*This is me, alone....*~

I get to go see Chicago tomorrow! Yay! ^_^ I've been waiting so long! Roalee invited me to go with her and her brother.

I got to watch the first three eps of Yami no Matsuei today. No, I didn't get the DVD yet...I DLed the fansubs. ^_^;; But I AM going to get the DVD as well. Yami no Matsuei is turning out to be something that is RIGHT up my alley...

Work was kinda nice today. I got an apology from Des for what happened the other day, which was kinda unexpected. Then she switched with me so that she was in booth and I was on floor. Even better. Apparently it was because she wanted to leave early because she had an appointment in the morning, so Moises and I had to close booth, but that was fine. I spent most the night chatting with the video game fixer guy, who was loading the capsule machines (yay! more necklaces! At last, I may get my dragon...) and also with Nathan, the otaku employee. He's just weird enough for me. ^.^ And we know a lot of the same anime and stuff, and we discussed trading some stuff. He has Hellsing, Generator Gawl and Now and Then, Here and There! I wanna see them all! I think I'm getting Generator Gawl from Ryan (I didn't even know he had it till today!), but I might consider borrowing Now and Then, Here and There. Oh, more anime to watch...::sing sing::

I watched the Japanese version of the Ring last night, and it was kinda freaky. Quite different from the American rendition. THe plot is different. Only the basic concept is the same. The kid is ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE while being scary at the same time! The other kid wasn't cute at all, just creepy! And the main character was't bitchy at all, and the ex-husband was...VERY VERY DARK. I loved him!! They should have made him like that in the english version! Too bad I couldn't get ahold of you, Roalee, or I would have had you watch it too...

I got a song file from one of the mailing lists I'm on. They sent out My December, a song by Linkin Park I didn't have before. Or, more correctly, that I didn't have the original version of before (I have the remix on the Reanimation CD. God, I love Linkin Park.) It's a sad song, much more effective than the one they have on the Reanimation CD. As I listen to it, I think of Nezumi more than anything. Perhaps it's her song now. I don't know. But it personifies her to a T.

So todays Song of the Moment: My December - Linkin Park

And that's it for now! I hope I get some shopping in tomorrow as well, since I got paid! Here's hoping! Ja!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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