What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*4:22 a.m.* - *January 06, 2003 *

~*Perhaps a little embittered...*~

Wow. AkaiPussy had as bad a New Years as I did...

People handle the problems in their lives in different ways. Roalee tends to look on the brighter and/or mor logical side. Geoff blows things off like they're nothing. Moises tries to solve everything at once and just fucks things up even MORE, causing even greater stress for himself. Ryan outright panics. Myself? I explode. Even then, the explosion isn't stress HANDLING. It's stess VENTING. And it seems I stress vent more often than I should as of late...could it be because I am much more stressed than before?

I hate my boss. I mean, outright hate her. I dislike the world as a whole, but there are only 4 people I can think of since I began work at the theater that I have truly hated.

A dumbass of a manager named Roanay.

Lindsay Smith.

Adam Quinn.

Desiree is at the top of that list.

I feel like I'm at the end of my rope. I certainly don't think that I am the best manager in the world, but I have done nothing to merit being thrown in such mind-numbing positions as booth. On top of that, I have only four shifts a week for the next 2 weeks. And on top of THAT...I have no transportation. I'm fucked. I'm screwed. When even the people I view as collected, the ones who hold the theater together begin to break down, I don't know if I'll be able to help but snap.

I want to quit so badly. But how can I? I need a job, but nothing close enough to me is hiring and I don't have the money to move out on my own. I COULD go without a job, but if I'm left to my own devices I would probably do something...regrettable. So I end up dealing with the pain I feel from this horrible woman who gets on our case for stuff she fucks up, or doesn't do herself. I AM NOT A FUCKING SLACKER. Not naturally, anyway. But I DO lack motivation. Why would I want to work my hardest for a woman who does nothing but sit on her fat ass all day?

I just need a break. Or for it all to end. One or the other.

On to slightly lighter things! I've been writing the history for my roleplaying char, and it is LONG. ^_^;; Perhaps I will post it here when it's done? I dunno. I need a pic up here, at least.

Speaking of pictures, I found the COOLEST postcard at Hot Topic the other day! It has a picture of a stick figure boy and it says "Boys are dumb. Throw rocks at them!" Is that perfect for me or what?! ^.^

I also got a REALLY BIG WALLET to hold my lack of cash. It's black with red stars, so it matches the black and red on my purse.

At the Great Wall Mall, Roalee informed me that there was a new anime store! And indeed there was!! Hooray!! It's very small right now, mostly Initial D car models, some t-shirts and Yugioh cards, but they've only been open for 2 weeks so I wasn't expecting much. I did find a great Wolfwood wallscroll though. ::cuddles it:: now if only I could find a place to put you...

We stopped by Sweet Kitty, and they have some neat anime picture cards!! They're so bootleg it's not even funny, but they're only a buck so I don't mind. ^.~ I got a neat one for Gen I KNOW she'll love! I also got some posters, helped Jeremy determine where some of his new ones were from, and when we left he gave me and Roalee Beyblade memo boards! Cool!

We also went to Best Buy, where I blew all my money on the 2nd Ranma box set. @_@ I'm debating taking it back and getting something else, though. I just don't know. I feel bad spending so much money on one object.

Other than anime, my life is hell. Oh well, back to Nezumi's history. I think I must be really bitter, cause I kinda wrote my char...ripping someone's throat out. Ouch. Yes, I must definitely have some hidden issues. ^_^;;;

The last point of happiness: I found a Sephiroth SIM!! YAY! Almost NOTHING can be better than a Sephiroth SIM! That said...Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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