What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*9:36 a.m.* - *December 20, 2002 *

~*Haunted by the Cat's Eye...*~

Okay, work sucks. Or rather, the work ITSELF doesn't suck, but the morons I work with do. One moron in particular. My boss. My second day back to work after my vacation, I was all rested and ready to work, but instead I was the usher manager. So I did my best at that, getting all the theaters cleaned in under 10 minutes a piece and asking the ushers to do checks all the time. The ushers worked very well for me. They didn't slack at all; right on the ball. After the theaters were cleaned, I sent one on theater checks and asked the rest to run for the concessionists, then went into the office to sit down for a moment. As soon as I get in there Desiree comes in and tells me to go check on my ushers to make sure they're working. I tell her they are, but she shoos me and tells me I should just go see! AUGH! I go to check, and of COURSE they're doing exactly what I told them to. I may not be the take-charge kind of manager, but I'm nice to the employees (most of the time) and they normally listen to me. Desiree picks that point to come out of the office and look at the theater checksheet and point out that I had missed one earlier. ONE THEATER CHECK, in the entire time I'd been there. And it was only the second check!! GOD!! I was ready to smack her at that point, so I stormed off. It really pisses me off that I restored my work ethic so I could do a good job at work, and she spoils it by basically telling me that all my hard work is not good enough. *I* am not good enough. It's no wonder everyone's morale is so low....

On to lighter things! I believe the christmas shopping is nearly done, save for Geoff's present. I tell ya, these late nights of fixing all the dumbass errors throughout the day is really helping to pay for it all...^_^; Most things are wrapped, but now I have to wrap the things my father is giving out! He sucks at wrapping presents. So does Gen, so I'm doing some of hers as well. ^.~ I don't mind, I love wrapping presents! I should also get started on making the cookies I'm giving to the employees. I will make Gingerbread men...dressed as employees! ^.^ I can't wait to make them. I won't be sleeping anytime soon....

In the last week I have had little sleep in general. I saw Lord of the Rings twice before the general public, then saw it WITH the general public on opening day! IT KICKS ASS!! Definitely worth paying for even though I work there. I can't wait for the DVD!!

I have also managed to satiate my hunger for anime, thirst for bubble tea and cravings for Japanese dance games. ^_^; Gen was over for four days, so we watched anime, went shopping, bought bubble tea two days in a row, and I even managed to get in some Para Para Paradise and DDR in the last couple days. ^.^ My eurobeat obsession grows...

Well, time to get started on more Christmas festivities! wrap wrap, bake bake...::sings:: "King of the night, Mi-ka-do!"

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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