What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
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Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*2:54 p.m.* - *December 04, 2002 *

~*Anime, machines, and the truth,,,for once*~

Yesterday was really painful, both mentally and physically. But with pain comes revelatiion, I guess. While mindlessly threading the projectors last night I discovered a few things about myself, others around me, and the world itself.

Well, first off, I should explain what happened PHYSICALLY. Roalee was going to pick me up before she went to work that day, but didn't have enough time because she was running late. So later on, when it was closer to the time when I was supposed to work, Geoff and Ryan came to pick me up. Which was cool, I suppose. ^_^; They got paid for it, and I don't mind their company. Even though their discussions get a little wierd...

Anyway, we were driving back to the theater in Geoff's usual, way-too-fast manner. He cut off a guy who was coming off the offramp way-too-fast as well, and then he started joking about the guy following us, and that we should lose him. So, instead of going straight through the back of Lowe's to the theater, he sped up and turned to go the other way.

Well, tried to turn, anyway. Instead we ended up slamming into the curb at who knows WHAT speed. None of us were hurt...well, not too badly anyway. My shoulder still hurts fom the seatbelt locking, and my neck is a little stiff.

We got out to see the damage, and it appeared that his front right tire was flat, but when he took it off there was no hole in it. He put the spare on anyway, and when it was on it became apparent that there was something very wrong with the wheel. I suspect the axle is bent...(which the boys made fun of me for. =P)

That took a good while, in which we stood outside in the cold...I hadn't brought my jacket, so I was frozen,

and already late for work as it was. an Access bus driver stopped to help us push the car into the Lowe's parking lot, and we walked to the theater.

By the time I got there, I was hurt, cold, tired, and hungry. To top that off I ended up leaving my dinner in Geoff's car...no food for me. And then our paychecks didn't come in, and my boss was there even though she was supposed to be on vacation...She seemed a little bitchier than usual. Maybe it just felt that way because I had such a bad day....

I ended up in booth...THAT HURT. I have to use my right hand to thread due to the way the projectors are set up, which is the arm that had the hurt shoulder. I had a lot of time to think while I was up there, and became very depressed. Maybe that's the true reason I hate booth, is because it's such a brainless task that it allows me time to sort through all the stuff in my head. I called Gen while I was up there to tell her about my bad day, beause I needed someone to talk to, but she seemed more preoccupied with her sister's messing around than with the fact that I had just been in an accident. I tell you, that did NOT help any. When my own best friend doesn't feel like being of help to me, it really hurts...

And then I started feeling even worse because I shouldn't have been so mad about her not paying attention to me, because she has her own stuff going on right now. Of course, in being so upset I screwed up and threaded the wrong movie.

That didn't help any, either.

Honestly, I'm an embarrassment to myself. I read Geoff's diary entries and he seems so intelligent, when speaking or when writing. (Lacking in common sense, maybe...) And then there's me, who THINKS that way but always comes up sounding like a bubbleheaded ditz. I've become one of those girls I hate so much. But last night, I had time to think about it. I just stopped thinking. The reason I sound so dumb and act so dumb and screw up all the time is because I stopped thinking. Thinking is painful. Thinking makes me realize that I hate absolutely everything and everyone around me, myself included. Thinking makes me realize that I just surround myself with things and pretend I'm happy even though I can't even remember I time when I was truly content. So instead of realizing these things 24/7, I watch anime and talk like a fool and interact with the few people I can stand for more than 10 minutes, pretending that everything is fine. Except right now, there's no one here. So all I can do is listen to the false-happy J-Pop music, read a funny manga and pretend.

Or I can just go back to sleep. ^_^;; I swear, I need to destress. I need to go shopping. I need to get myself a new stress ball because I squished it so much, all the sand came out! ^_^; I shall figure something out to do with all the free time I will have over the next...8 days. @_@ Oh my God. I'm gonna be so bored...

Ja ne.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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