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OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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People I tolorate:

~My sister

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~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*2:02 a.m.* - *November 23, 2002 *

~*This is the log that doesn't end...*~

Hmm....^_^; I need to write more often. Then I wouldn't have to write several days into one entry like this all the time...

On Tuesday night, Gen came to visit me at the theater. Yay! ^_^ She brought me dinner. It was cold by the time I got to eat it, since I was in booth, but it was nice just the same. Gen stayed until it was time to close, so she could go home with me. After much and much and much coaxing, we convinced Roalee to come too, since we were going to go shopping in the morning. It occurs to me that Roalee should learn to be more spontaneous...^_^;; But I guess I understand, sort of. I used to be that way as well, just doing what was planned and shying away from anything I wasn't already fully prepared for. ^_^; Gen changed that. Personally, I find that doing things on a whim makes the the things I do a little bit of a thrill, no matter how ordinary those things might be. It adds a little bit of adventure to my droll and mundane little life. =/ Sad, huh? That sponanaeity is the only interesting thing my life has to offer...

We didn't sleep much that day. ^_^; When I got home I was still fully awake, so I dragged the two of them to my room to show off all my anime-related parafanalia. I dunno why I talk to Roalee about anime all the time like I do, since she doesn't really seem to interested in the things I have to say about it (becuse she hasn't SEEN all the stuff that I have...but I also get the impression that she also isn't into it as much as I am.) I get so self-conscious when people don't respond well to my anime rants. Although I've gotten a little hope: I read an inspiring letter in Animerica about a girl who went through so much verbal abuse because of her anime obsession, by her parents and her peers...I felt sorry for her, but it's nice to know that there are others who are berated as well for being obsessed with "those cartoons".

Oh yeah, back to the story. ^_^;; Gen was dead tired, so she went to sleep, and Roalee and I went online and took a bunch of quizzes. ^_^; they were funny. I am a CD-R, and I am everything related to being a villain. Lil' ol' me? ^_^ Evil? Oh, no, never...

Sleep a little, then we woke up at 1. Actually, ROALEE woke up at 1, and I woke up to her tickling my arm with her Stitch doll. ^_^;; I tried to get Gen up then, too. She didn't respond to me yelling at her, so I tackled her instead. Roalee thought it was wierd. ^_^; She thinks everything I do in interaction with Gen is weird...

We went out to lunch at Crossroads, then off to Raven's world. They have so much cute stuff, related to wildlife, of course. They also have an AMAZING assortment of Dragon figures, which I love. I collect the Dragon Lore, series, and happily they have a bunch of them that I don't. They even have a pretty blue Dragon Lore lamp!! Oh, I want them, I want them...I ended up buying my sis a present for Christmas. She will love it! ^.^

We picked up some Cold Stone ice cream on the way out. Roalee has never been there, but she thought it was cool ^_^ The guy who served us is the guy who is almost always there when we go. He knows that we are Otaku, so he always talks about anime with us. ^_^;; A guy from Gamestop saw my Kenshin purse and asked me about the stuff I've seen too! ^_^ They both asked where I get my anime stuff. I suck at directions, but Gen and I told them the best we could...we decided that next time we went to Anime Kingdom we would get business cards to hand out. ^_^

After that we went to Southcenter Mall. ^_^ Well, we WERE going to end up at Southcenter Mall, but driving around the parking lot we saw a TON of cops around the building! One even had a rifle! We decided the mall was not the best place to go...so we crossed the street to Target instead.

Target had a bunch of great clothes I wanted! I got a black sweater jacket, a black shirt, and a black jacket for work. ^_^ All black...big shocker.

At Hot Topic, we looked at the collars, but I couldn't find one I liked! Roalee found a cool one, though, and I found a really cool choker. I also got a wonderful hat!! It's fuzzy, and it has cat ears on top! ^_^ I also found a wonderful skirt, that is black with a red section in front, and there's black netting and black ribbons covering the red. I LOVE IT. I'll have to get one next time I get paid...

Gen had to babysit, so we went home. Roalee decided she wanted to go to church and asked me to come with but...church youth groups sound too much like socializing, so I went to sleep instead.

I woke up at 1!! @_@ Oi! No going to sleep again after that, so I went online, talked to Roalee, then played Black and White until I 11. Gen came back and we went to get bubble tea, which I have been craving ever since our trip to Uwajimaya last week. Gen has never had one, and was a bit weirded out by the black balls on the bottom...

On our way out, I spotted our old favorite anime store!! ^_^ He had just opened it back up again!! We bought a couple CDs and a few posters...

Best Buy! I love buying anime there. I picked up Fruits Basket (which is highly overpriced, by the way...) and the new Utena DVD (ABOUT TIME that came out!!) We looked at the computer stuff...I didn't get any. Maybe I'll ask dad for computer upgrades for christmas....

After that, we stopped off at Anime Kingdom. ^_^ Happiness! I got the second volume of the X tv series, and also the Saiyuki movie. Also, I got Roalee her birthday presents. ^_^ I think she'll like them. I HOPE she does...

I love the girl who works at that store. She's so knowledgeable...and she's fun to talk to. I don't feel pathetic when I talk to her. She likes a lot of the same things Gen and I do. She also LOVES the fact that we advertise for the store. ^_^; Man, her job is perfect for me. I would be in happyland if I worked at an anime store. The only downside would be that my entire paycheck would be that it would all go directly back into the store...

Then it was time for work. Roalee had called for a meeting that day, and had quite a few things to say...

Desiree started out by bitching about our last checker report. =/ Blah blah blah...don't care much. Roalee had a lot of important things to say about the status of our business...the fact that we do not support each other and do not work as a team. She also brought up the fact that None of us can believe that Desiree is still there, and that we have problems following her rules.

OH. MY. GOD. Desiree is so incredibly oblivious. She somehow took that as a COMPLIMENT, like the fact that we couldn't believe she was still there was due to the fact that we went through GMs so fast at our theater. She actually thinks we LIKE HER!! AUGH! She also seemed to think that the fact that we didn't adhere to her rules was because we were all stubborn, and that if we followed HER rules things would run much better. WHAT THE HELL?! Things ran better when we didn't HAVE a GM! Most the managers didn't have problems with each other. We worked as a team. The employees worked more effeciently, and were certainly happier. I think all of us are pissed at each other because we're all stressed at our job. I know all of us agree that the major bulk of our stress stems from work...

Anyway, I trained some new employees while Ryan worked as the floor manager. He didn't do much but walk around on the floor, so I got pissed at him. I was snapping at him all night and shunning him every time he tried to talk to me. =/ I dunno...Ryan is cool and all, but he's a major slacker. Or at least, now he is. I think it frustrates me that I know he CAN be one of the hardest workers we have, but for one reason or another he chooses not to now. And he's so arrogant these days...-.-; And yet, I can't help worrying about the guy. He's so sick. Hell, he's even got pnemonia now. And even so, he goes outside and smokes every few minutes. =/ He's so, so frustrating.

We talked about anime later in the night when I'd calmed down, though. ^_^; He really likes Kenshin, which I've been loaning him. He also said he would give me one of his old collars, which has interchangable spikes on it. ^_^ I can buy the studs and put them on it, and I will have a collar! yay!

Anyway, this entry has gotten exceedinly long!! ^_^;;; Gomen, gomen, for anyone reading this! On to playing SIMs and watching TV! Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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