What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*3:52 a.m.* - *October 13, 2002 *

~*Breathe in, breathe out...*~

Um...it appears that October 21st can't come fast enough. It appears everyone's lives are full of shit. Mine is as well (full of things I care to mention here and also things that I do not), but I feel selfish thinking my life is so hard when everyone else's is just as hard. I guess I get so wrapped up in my own concerns that I don't notice how upset everyone else is. Like, for instance, I had no idea Roalee was so upset today. Well, I DID, kinda...she made it obvious earlier in the day. But I didn't know she still felt that way.

Today started out wonderful, and turned sour as soon as I got to work. I even wore my cute little cat ears to work, and it was all good...then I realized that we would have to deal with Geoff. I didn't really feel like it. =/ As a matter of fact, I probably upset MYSELF by ignoring him and seething about it behind his back for the major part of the day.

I guess today went alright...I think. I dunno. I may have just worn myself down to the point where if it WAS horrible in other people's eyes, it seems neutral to me.

Well, all of us can use some relaxation. Hopefully my party turns out well...Ja ne.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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