What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*2:01 a.m.* - *October 08, 2002 *

~*Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous...*~

Yeah...I gotta stop reading my sister's diary...it's depressing. -.-; I'll never know emotions like that. It's not because I think I'll never find someone, it's because I can't possibly imagine reacting that way, like a man is my entire life. Is that really how normal people act..? Perhaps it's because I don't trust the rest of humanity. Perhaps it's because I lack a majority of basic social skills. Either way, it's just inconcievable that I would feel that way about someone's departure.

Anyway! Slept till 3, then went online and got my RPG mail from Gen. ^_^; Uh, she killed my char's favorite bishounen, then brought him back to life...Nezumi's going to MAUL Ra-chan when I get around to writing a reply!

In other news, I went to see Randy's band play in Seattle today. Geoff came to pick me up, and originally Ryan was going to come too, but as it turned out he had to help yet another person move into his apartment. Geez. How many people are going to live there?! Anyway, John Reynolds ended up driving us there, since he was going to tape the whole event. They wouldn't let me and Geoff in early, so we went for teriyaki. It was good, but there was sooo much food! I couldn't eat even half of it! Oh well. ^_^;;

The concert was really great. Well, mostly. The first band that played, Pistols for Paychecks, was okay. The second band, Table Dancing with Betty, was a really cool ska band. I enjoyed them a lot, and even bought their CD with the last of my money. The third band I don't remember the name of, but that's okay because they sucked. As it turned out, everyone there had come for the ska band, and when the crappy band started playing they all left! There were only about 35 people there for Silent Opposition, Randy's band. I liked his most of all. They really ARE good. The only problem was that the people mixing the sound kinda sucked, and the mics picking up the vocals weren't nearly loud enough. Ah well...I guess I'll have to find the MP3's.

We went back to the theater to tell Roalee about the show, and when we got there, Brent had copies of his episode of Weakest Link on CD! YAY! ^_^ I watched it...and he was the last person voted off! Damn! They only did it because he would have been a hard, hard person to beat. He only missed one question the entire game. -.-; How incredible. Those girls were stupid. And at the end, the woman who won was so happy, saying she couldn't believe she had gotten so far. I can't either, Lady. But you voted off THE BEST PLAYER IN THE DAMN GAME! How hard is it to beat a ditzy 22-year-old college girl?! Augh!

Well, whatever.

That about sums up my day. ^_^; Maybe I'll go web surfing now, even though I should sleep. Until the next big event...Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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