What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*1:21 a.m.* - *August 29, 2002 *


^_^; Umm...I haven't updated in a while. Ooops.

Well, anyway, today is Wednesday. Yes, I got to do the thing I planned, although it didn't go quite accordingly. It was really not very amusing at all, really. =/ I had expected a different reaction. But, since it didn't really help or amuse me any, I think I won't tell the world what my plan was. ^_^ Sorry Geoff! Guess you just don't need to know.

Men are dense/scum, if that helps any.

I got paid yesterday, went out with Ra-chan, and immediately depleted my cash. ^_^;; I bought the first Ranma 1/2 box set and Excel Saga. Excel Saga is pretty entertaining for what it is, but is highly overrated. Ranma kicks ass. I'm glad I bought it.

I stayed up all night watching Ranma, until 7 am, anyway. ^_^; Bad me. We went shopping again today...I only bought a CD and a poster, though. I'm such a good girl. ::angel halo::

When I got home...I felt so so sick. -.-; Gen was bugging me, too. So I went upstairs and took a nap. And I was late for work because of it. =/ Oops. I didn't feel any better after my nap, but then I realized I must be dehydrated because of the heat. Damn heat! I drank a buncha water and felt better.

I Had to cover a box break today! Bah!! I hate box. And then I ended up covering a ten for Ryan later, even though he'd already had one. =/ I'm such a sucker. I should just tell him off or something...not that I could. But I wish I had the guts.

Oh yeah, after that the uneventful thing I'd been waiting for happened. =/ Not the reaction I'd been expecting. He doesn't know what's written on the thing and being the coward I am, I won't tell him. And he doesn't appear to want find out. Oh well. =/ Things can't always turn out the way you want them too. Someday I'll get it out, though. Someday....

Or else, I'll get over it. ^_^;;;

^_^ The rest of the day? We closed the day at midnight, waited for the projectors to drop, then left. ^_^ On the way home, There's this new housing development on the side of the road, and the sign for it has a waterfall and mini-pond. SOMEONE had dumped soap into it, and it was this ENOURMOUS pile of soap suds!! With the light from the sign shining through it it looked like a puffy cloud. ^_^ It was soooo funny!! I wanted to go play in it! In fact, I am still amused. I'm glad I found something to amuse me today, since my plan fell through...

Well, I should find something to entertain myself with for until October. Until I feel like writing again...ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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