What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*10:59 p.m.* - *July 26, 2002 *

~*Work is the Devil, as Ryan would say...*~

I hated today. Swear to God, I hated it sooo much.

It started out alright. Tracey brought some Pepsi Blue in to work, and it was an interesting new taste. It's kinda like a blue slushie, only watered down. But it made my stomach hurt. That was bad.

Then Tracey decided she had to do the candy cart. ALL FUCKING DAY LONG. Mind you, this was the opening day of Austin Powers. And who is left to handle the floor? Me, that's who! We didn't have any other managers that day, so I had to babysit all three positions today. And the employees don't do ANYTHING unless they're instructed to. I'm so sick of it. Most of them have been there long enough to know exactly what needs to be done between each rush. And yet they don't do it. And when nothing gets done, and I can't sit there and supervise any one group of people, nothing gets done, and I end up being the one running around like a chicken with my head cut off. What's more, the employees have issues with each other and with Tracey, and I'm the one they run to about it. WHAT THE HELL AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?! I am NOT a babysitter, I'm an assistant manager.

It's getting really tiring. I love my job, I really do. I like the people most of the time, and I like what I do. But I DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES enjoy being stepped on and pushed over and screwed all the time. Maybe if I had some backbone I wouldn't be in this position.

But then I'd be like Randy. That would be bad. ^-^;;

So anyway, it went uphill once work was over. I sat in the box office for a long time, though I shouldn't have. Oh well. I signed voids and stuff for them so they didn't have to call an on-duty manager. ^.^ Roalee came and found me, and she decided we should see a movie! Yay, movie! We chose Mr. Deeds.

Then I sat in the box some more. ^_^; Ryan got upset because I guess he didn't realize that he would have to GO GET a written reference from his former job, which is in Renton. That IS a long way to walk. ^_^;; Roalee and I might try to call in and get a reference from them that way. I don't know why Corperate is having such an issue, I got ahold of the place fine when I did his references to be hired in the first place! Geez...some people...

Mr. Deeds was good. I guess. ^_^;; It was pretty funny, however you put it. I got thirsty though, so I went out to concessions to get some courtesy cups of juice. I grabbed 3, two for me and one for Roalee. I ran into one small glitch, however. It was hella hard to open the door with both hands full! ^_^; I managed to do it, but it took way too long to do it. I missed part of the movie! BWAH!

^_^ So now I'm home, watching Spin City, thinking about the next part of my novel that I have to edit. I suppose it's time to do a little work on it, then get some sleep so I can open once again tomorrow. But at least I am in booth, so no lousy customers or employees to deal with! Yay for me! Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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