What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*1:43 a.m.* - *2002-07-14 *

~*An embarassing situation...or was it?*~

I had another day from hell and I hate booth and I'm absolutely mortified from my day at work and I HATE MEN THEY'RE ALL SCUM!!!!

Okay, all better know. ^_^;;

I got up this morning all happy and good, got ready for work then went downstairs to wait for my ride to work. I waited...and waited...and waited...I was supposed to be at work at 10, so when I was still on the couch at 10:15 I figured something had to be wrong. I called work, but no one answered. Booha! O.o I tried twice more, then tried Tracey's cell and once again, no answer. Around 10:45 I started to get desperate, so I called Roalee.

Me: "Roalee! I'm still at home and no one's at work and Tracey's not answering her phone and I don't know what's going on and you're the only number I have in my phone and I'm still at home!!"

Roalee: "Fwah...?"

^_^; Well, I'm glad she was good about it and came to take me to work...turns out she was gonna go there anyway. When I got there, Tracey WAS there!! She said she thought I worked at two and I didn't need to be picked up. She didn't know why I hadn't been able to get through to her, she said she'd been answering the phone all morning. -.-; Nya...

I had to be in booth once again, and I was doing rather well until Geoff came and I was talking to him. During the last set I screwed up and threaded 8 backwards, and then after I fixed it I started it 15 minutes early! And THEN I had to stop it and thread the movie that was supposed to start 5 minutes prior to that...It all ended badly.

When I was done I didn't really feel like helping out in closing everyone, so I didn't. Instead I went to the box office and talked to Ryan. I wonder sometimes if I get on his nerves...he doesn't really say anything about me going in to talk to him all the time. I dunno if he's figured me out or not. Men are so hard to read...

I decided I wanted to see Reign of Fire again, so I called Gen and convinced her to come see it with me. I sat in the box office on the floor by Ryan's till while I waited for Gen and my sis to show up. While I was still on the phone with my sis Ryan mentioned that he hadn't eaten anything since Wednesday. No eating in three days?!?! BAD Ryan! I know he has trouble, but still...

So I had Lisa bring him some Cup of Noodle and a few of the cupcakes she'd been making. Roalee came into the box office then, and asked why I was in there. I said it was because it was the only cool place in the building, and the gave my this really sly grin!! Ack!! I told her not to say anything, and she's like, "what, I'm not!" Grrr...

Lisa and Gen showed up and they brought McDonalds for me! Yum! I gave Ryan a choice of 4 Cup Noodles, and Lisa brought 6 cupcakes. I left them in the box, then went to my movie, which was just as good as it was the first time.

After the movie we stood in the lobby and talked to Roalee and Moises for a while. It turned out that Erin DeFillip and her brother Tony were seeing the same movie we were! ^_^ I went to school with them and I haven't seen either one in years. Both were doing well. I'm glad.

I noticed that Ryan was standing off to the side, holding his stomach. I asked him if he was alright, and he said that he'd had a few french fries and it was making him feel ill. He supposed it was because he'd gone so long without eating, so he was making one of the Cup of Noodles I'd given him to see if it would go away. I was concerned, of course. ;_; Who wouldn't be! I mean, if nothing else, he's my friend, and I get really worried if something is wrong with my friends. It's in my nature.

So then both Moises and Roalee start giving me sly looks again... Roalee asks me in this weird tone if I'd introduced Gen and Lisa to Ryan. I was mortified!! I was standing 5 feet away, for God's sake! I went and hid in the back room, and then Richelle offered to go beat up the people who were bothering me. ^_^;; I agreed of course...

When I came back out again, Ryan had already gone back in the box office. We decided to leave, and I stopped to say bye to Ryan, but he didn't see me and/or wasn't paying attention to me. -.-; Now, I'm paranoid as everyone knows. So I had to leave without saying anything to Ryan. and NOW I have no idea if he realized what was going on or if he hadn't heard or what...It really upset me, y'know? Not knowing things drives me nuts. I won't see him again till tomorrow at 4. I just hope I'll be okay till then...::worryworry::

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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