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At last! My very own layout!

*10:35 p.m.* - *2002-07-10 *

~*Even non-anime shopping can be fun!*~

^_^ Today was soooo much fun! I got to go shopping with Roalee! I didn't get much sleep the night before, but that's okay because I never sleep much anyway. She came to pick me up around 9:30, and I gave her the present I bought her yesterday: A Hakkai plushie! She liked it so much when I brought it to work that I decided she needed one when I found it at Anime Kingdom. ^_^ She loves it. She carries it in her bag.

Our first stop was Fashion Bug. Roalee found some cute clothes, but everything I liked was either too small or too expensive. Why do clothes for big people have to be ugly or inafforable?! Don't girls with larger bodies deserve to look good as well?! I don't wanna look like a grandma or something! I'm 20, and I'd like to dress like it! More or less. Something black and gothy yet stylish...^_^; I'm weird and picky, but I guess I can afford to be.

Then we went to Target, but they had even less than Fashion Bug. But we did find something appealing there. What was it? Powerpuff Girls water bottles! They were these purple bottles with handles in the back, and they had a big sticker of the girls on the front! So we randomly decided to buy them and pour the Vanilla Coke that Roalee bought for us into them. Yay, Vanilla Coke! I know about three people other than me who actually like the stuff. I think it's yummy. Everyone else thinks it's just plain odd.

Off to Southcenter Mall! We stopped by Lane Bryant. I didn't expect to find anything there, but I was shocked! They had clothes on CLEARANCE that I loved! I got three new shirts and two new skirts. They're all totally me, and it makes me happy. It's really great when I can look exactly the way I want to. I don't need to be a pencil girl. ^_^ I can look good just the way I am.

We were hungry, so we stopped at the food court. After several minutes of indecision, we decided on pizza. It was stuffed pizza. WE were stuffed after we ate it. @_@ I have a startlingly small appetite...

Character corner looked like an interesting place to look into, since we like Sanrio stuff. Roalee bought nearly every Pucca product in the store, and I bought this great neck key holder thingie with Batz-maru on it! I LOVE BATZ-MARU!!! He's so cute and...penguin-like...anyway, the keyholder thing is leather-ish material with silver studs on it, and it had a silver circle with Batz-maru hanging on the end. I wonder if Desiree will yell at me for it. ^_^ I'm beginning to think I'll piss her off no matter what I do, so I won't really worry about it...or maybe I will, because I'm me. When I work with her, she makes me feel like the most insignificant person in the world.

ANYWAY, onto a lighter subject! Next we stopped by Hot Topic, the dark and angsty store that carries all the stuff I want but Dad would kill me if he knew about it. I finally broke down and bought a spiked necklace and a spiked leather bracelet. I've always wanted those things, but was too afraid of what my father would think. But I realize I'm old enough to decide things for myself. I still live in his house and obey his rules, but if I want to look a certain way I should be able to! Next I want a spiked collar..^.~ I wonder how many of my friends will be shocked by this development. I've never said anything about it, but I like it very much. ^_^

That was pretty much it at the mall. Roalee bought a new pair of work shoes, then we went to see Minority Report at the East Valley theater. Roalee convinced her boyfriend to fill our PPG cups with cherry freezie stuff! Oh, and I made a new friend there! She's a MAJOR Otaku!! She was standing door and I was sitting by the doorstand waiting for our movie to start. Finally she asked me to come over so she could see my bag. At first, I thought she wanted to see my BAG, but when I got over there she started raving about my anime keychains! ^_^ Then she asked about the Saiyuki doll Roalee was wearing on her waist. She's the only other person I've met who's even HEARD of Saiyuki!! She also likes Gravitation, one of my favorites!! ^_^ She attends cons and such. She likes most of the same anime I do. I should have gotten her E-mail addy! OH NO!! Oh, bad Jen...

Well, the movie was alright. Amusing, at least. After the movie Roalee got one of the other managers to take me upstairs so I could see their booth. Their booth is HUUUUGE!! I would die if I had to run that!! Their projectors are also much bigger and more advanced than the ones we have, proving once again that our theatre sucks. ^_^ Oh well.

We stopped by the Great Wall Mall. We checked out a little Sanrio store there, since the anime store we like so much was closed for moving. Roalee found some more Pucca stuff, of course. ^_^ I didn't really get anything, there was no Batz-maru! We stopped by the Asian grocery so I could by Japanese snacks. I adore Japanese snack foods! Koala cookies, Hamtaro candies, Pocky (POCKYPOCKYPOCKY!!!), Yan yans...I love them all! ^_^ Roalee also got us some bubble tea. I've never had it before, but I like it! It's a little weird with those tapioca balls that slide down your throat, but I suppose I have to get used to that. All in all, it was a wonderful day. I hope that sometime we can get together and go shopping again. ^_^

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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