What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*11:32 p.m.* - *February 24, 2004 *

~*True Faith (Pet Shop Boys remix!)*~

Work is...well...interesting lately. Working with Ms. Waldman is one of the most infuriating things I have do deal with, and all things considered. On the upside, We have a new manager who I like very much. She's a wierdo. ^_^ Kinda like me. She's smart too, although slightly discouraged by Ms Waldman's attitude. But she shouldn't worry, Ms. Waldman makes everyone feel like a moron, no matter HOW much more intelligent than her they are. =P

I got hit on today! ^_^;;; But, um, not quite what I had in mind. Gothy and cute...but female. ^_^; I talked to her for a while, since there weren't any other customers, and she soon made it pretty clear she was flirting. I kinda wonder what my coworkers would have said if any of them had been around at the time, considering my man-bashing attitude. O.o; Well, into it or not, it was fun. I was kinda sad when she left.

I feel kind of awkward about my emotions in general these days. Having come to terms with one emotional state just means having to start coping with another. @_@ Man...I can really understand what my RP char goes through now. Problem is, I dunno how to get him through it, because that would mean that *I* know how to get through it! Quite the problem I Have. ^_^; I shouldn't have inadvertently made the two of us so similar. Damn me and my weird sense of self! But it's okay, because one day both of us will overcome it all. Ne, Yoru-kun? ; ; ::hugs her cute bishie character::

Last week was my first full week in cosmetics. It's amazingly easy to use my artistic eye to find things that look good on people. ^_^ This color matches that one, and so forth...nothing complicated...although most still just want to be directed to the product they're already used to. All in all, I think I could get used to working in the section. Only problem is some of the talc-based stuff makes me itchy. Oh well. I've met some interesting people that way too, although for the most part I wish people would just leave me alone.

Kind of wierd, isn't it? I need company, but I hate everyone. Even the people I'm close to I resent on some level. =/ But I'm not really in the mood to delve too deeply into that subject, so...

Time to get back to listening to 80's MP3's! I wish CDs of the 80's music I want was more accessible...maybe someday I'll find the perfect collection. "Ninety-nine red balloons go byyyy!" Ja ne.

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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