What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*3:24 a.m.* - *July 22, 2003 *

~*Fanart of fanart! ^_^*~

::dancing around in circles with hearts flying around:: Roalee drew me a fanart of Yoru's dark elf form!! It's so cute, I love it!! My very first fanart of an original character! =D

I'm feeling much better today than in the past few days. ^_^ There could be a number of factors adding into that...I've taken my meds, I've nearly finished the next part of the fanfic I need to send out, people on the forums are actually TALKING to me....

I found some wonderful Yu Yu Hakusho music vids this morning, and It put me in a great mood to begin with. At work I was kinda bitter for a while, but teasing Randy is a good relief for that. I can't wait to go shopping a day from now. I need to get some apps...but that may wait till Wednesday. If it's too hot tomorrow I'm not walking ANYWHERE for any reason...besides, if I walk there I'll look like a mess when I ask them for apps. No one wants to hire a hot and sweaty girl who's hair is sticking to her head...

Not much else..I found some new manga today! ^_^ Inuyasha 14 and Scryed 3...Sctyed manga is SO MUCH DARKER than the anime! And the death of a certain character seemed so uncerimonious in comparison to the anime, where it is the pivotal gesture that sends the anime in a completely different direction...

Oh yeah, back to work on the fanfic. I wanna send it out today! Maybe I'll get some more of my art scanned this week? We'll see. Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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