What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



~Join Gaia Online!~
Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*5:56 a.m.* - *March 08, 2003 *

~*Perhaps sleep is in order.*~

Life sucks. Parents suck. Let's leave it at that.

I'm going to Sakuracon! For the firsr time ever. ^_^;;; I'm so excited. I''ve been trying to go for three years, but each time my plans fall through. LAST year SOMEONE forgot to register by the date...::glares at Ra-chan:: Oh well. I paid for this year, so I sure as hell better get to go! My boss had better give me the weekend off...grr.

Um...other than that...no happy news. I watched Excel Saga volume 3 the other day, and it was funny as hell. I can't wait to see more. Except, I'm not allowed to go shopping until after the con! Cause I need money to buy stuff!! Well, I guess maybe a LITTLE bit of shopping...but only for the parts for my costume. Yeah, that's it. I'm going to cosplay Nezumi! And NO ONE will get it! But that's okay!!

Alright, back to wallowing in my own self-pity. Ja ne!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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