What *ARE* you talking about?!

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OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*3:45 p.m.* - *February 23, 2003 *

~*Anime and Hair color...*~

Hello, it is me again. ^_^ I yam happy! Why am I happy? Because I have done something different! I have cut my hair super-short and colored it red! Or rather, highlighted it red. Roalee's sister did it for me. It looks really cool on me. I think so, anyway. My sis it not used to it yet, and my dad hasn't even seen it. I wonder what he'll say. Or if he'll even notice. Dad is oblivious like that.

The only problem is that now Ra-chan thinks she has free reign to screw up my hair whenever she wants. =P Just because it's short doesn't mean it's easier to fix, Ra-chan! Don't mess with my hair!

I got some new anime stuffs! (Cause that's all that's important in life, right?) I went to Jay's and got a Mokona plushie! I needed one, because Mokona is God, ne? ^_^ Anyone not into MKR has no idea what I'm talking about, but that's okay. Also, I found King of Bandits Jing on DVD! YAY! I have been positively obsessed with that show ever since I watched the first ep. The only problem is that the subtitles kinda suck. But that's almost always a problem with the HK DVDs. Oh well. I know enough Japanese to get by with the ones they give me.

I also got the second Kenshin OAV! YAY! Enishi!! ^_^

Other than my anime-related banter, life is...interesting. I have spent a majority of this week with Roalee. I came over Tuesday night after work with Moises, and we colored our hair on Wendesday. We picked up Ra-chan too, but she wouldn't do anything with her hair cause she's a doo-doo head. ^_^; Ah well.

We watched the second half of Fruits Basket, then Roalee took me and Moises back to Ra-chan's house so she could drive us home. Moises fell asleep on Ra-chan's bed. Men have no stamina.

On Thursday we went down to the Great Wall Mall, partly to get bubble tea but mostly to go to Jeremy's store. Roalee was SUPPOSED to meet us down there...but she took too long leaving her house. Bah, Roalee! So we met at my house instead, and decided to have lunch at Red Robin. That was fun, but then Roalee had to go to work right after. Bah again, Roalee! You were supposed to go to Illusions with us!

Illusions was lots of fun. Moises panicked when we first got there, because the Para Para machine was moved and he thought it was gone. Could he have thought it was gone because I told him it was? ::innocent look:: No, that can't be it...

We played Para Para for QUITE a while that day! We even got Ra-chan to get on it! She did really well, getting a combo number of over 100 on her first time playing. Unfortunately, her bonus song was Mikado, and that one's hella hard to play. ^_^; Poor Ra-chan. She was all freaked out. But she did really well. She should play more often.

Went screening and watched Old School. Sucked. The only ones it will entertain are the children who love to see drivel like that but aren't old enough for R-rated movies. Why the hell do they make films like that?! It's like they want to torture us poor theater employees!

Friday...^_^; Roalee told me five minutes before she got to my house that her sis was going out of town for the weekend again, so I threw all my stuff back in my suitcase and took it with me. I've spent more time with her this week than at my own house! I'm even writing this from her laptop right now. It's kinda nice. Sorta relaxing. We stay up late watching anime and then sleep a little, then eat junk food during the day until we have to work.

Ah, work...that's another story in itself. Work sucks. Our boss sucks. We need to tell our boss she sucks. Actually, there IS a serious problem we need to address with her. We're going to bring it up at the meeting. Hopefully it all goes well...

And...that about sums up my week. ^_^ It has been fun. And since I get paid in a couple days, next week should be even funner! We shall see. Ja ne!

Song of the Moment: Voices, from Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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