What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

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Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*11:02 a.m.* - *February 01, 2003 *

~*Otakuism for the mind AND body...*~

^_^ It is currently morning, and neither Roalee or I have gone to sleep today! Or yesterday...whatever. Being an otaku has it's disadvantages (...did I actually just say that????) For one, I'm nearly broke, and for another I have so much new stuff I don't know what to do with myself!

I spent almost 5 hours playing DDR and Para para on Thurday. My body regets it now; playing freestyle for so long is quite a workout. If I keep it up, though, it's bound to do me some good...

Screened a movie too. The recruit was okay, I guess. I spent most of the time staring at Colin Farrell...^_^ That was the only thing I really enjoyed about it.

After a few hours of sleep, Gen and I went to get her paycheck. Then we stopped by Anime Kingdom for the first time in almost a month. OH MY GOD, they had so much stuff!! I ended up with two new DVDs, a Fruits Basket desk calander, some new anime buttons for my purse, and a cute Kyo pin for Roalee. ^.^ Gen bought a giant Shippo plushie! It's so cute! I think I want I one myself....add that to the Japanese YuGiOh! Box and Kenshin keychains I bought the other day, and it pretty much wipes out my money stash.

I am spending the weekend at Roalee's, since her sister is out of town. Any thoughts, Roalee?

I'm just slightly tired and catching a cold, but YuGiOh is on and I must watch!! Heh... I am an otaku after all. Wow... all my tiredness just flowed away at the fact that anime is on. I'm scared... ::Whimper::

It's okay, Roalee, I'm the same way. If anime is involved, nothing else is important, Not sleep, or food, or people. I love my anime. And that, my friends, is an otaku.

Speaking of YuGiOh, it is the reason we have recieved no sleep. First we watched Kare Kano when we got home from work last night, then we started on the Japanese version of YuGiOh. Let me tell you, IT IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN THE DUB!! Damn the American bastards for not releasing it bilingual! Oh well, the bootleg is more cost efficient anyway, There were 10 eps on one DVD, and there are still two more to go! The Japanese voices take some getting used to though, The funniest thing in the world is listening to Pegasus talk. He overextends the end of every sentence, 'maaa-su.' Then he mixes in english in every other sentence. Anyway....

Well, I should go. more YuGiOh! in store for me! Then maybe some more shopping at Anime Kingdom...Ja!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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