What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Gaia Online

Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*2:52 a.m.* - *September 23, 2002 *

~*Fair, Anime and...Vanilla Coke, of course!*~

Ah...I have not written in a long time! GOMEN NASAI!! I've been so busy doing nothing!! ^_^;

On Monday, we had a sleepover at Roalee's new apartment! I only found out I was going at the end of my shift that day, and so I ended up staying at the theater all night until Roalee could come to get us. It ended up being Geoff, Moises, Chis, Roger, Roalee and I, but my dad doesn't need to know that. ^_^; He gets so paranoid. But honestly, what did he think I was going to do?! I'm not that kind of girl! ^.^; Besides, I've got nothing to worry about from THAT group of "guys".

When we went to Roalee's...Fearless Leader decided to go as well. GOD! NO ONE INVITED HER!! I can't believe she went to Roalee's house! >( It was so annoying having her there. Luckily she didn't stay too long, but it's the principle of the matter. Why doesn't she just realize that none of us can stand her..?

Anyway, the party consisted of eating cheetos, drinking massive amounts of Vanilla Coke and watching Anime. We tried to watch my new Orphen DVDs, but during the second episode the subtitles stopped working!! What the hell?! I wasn't about to watch it in english, so we watched Ranma instead. All the boys fell asleep, though. As Roalee would say, they have no stamina. ^_^ She and I were up till about 6 playing on the internet. In the morning we took Moises to work and then I got dropped off at home.

Went to work that night, and when I came home...I had a sleepover at MY house. ^_^ Gen was there, and already asleep when I got there. Of course, I couldn't stand for that!! I woke her up, much to her annoyance. ^_^ Then Roalee arrived. She thought it was weird that Gen and I physically fought all the time. Is that weird...? I dunno, I guess I have nothing else to compare it to. I've always been like that with Gen...Anyway, it was fun keeping Gen awake. Though Roalee was somewhat disturbed by it, she was also amused.

We got up in the morning, made breakfast and then...off to the Puyallup fair! Yay! Priscilla, Roalee, Gen, Lisa and I were the ones attending. Ryan copped out. I guess I didn't really think he'd go with us anyway.

We got there...and Gen had one hell of a time. =/ Half the people there were smoking, I swear. By the time we sat down for lunch she couldn't see straight. But, she had fun anyway. ^_^;

Stuff is expensive at the fair! I don't remember games being TWO BUCKS A TRY!! And the food was expensive too. Ah well. Good thing I had so much money...those Dizzy Passes really cut down on spending too.

My sister won me a stuffed dragon at a shooting game! YAY! It's so cute!! I named him Hiei. ^_^ Later I won a stuffed duckie, who I named Mr. Quackers...

I went on all sorts of rides...a big triumph for me. I am commonly known as the world's biggest wimp, but since I was with my friends I went on most of the rides that they did. Fast, high, whatever...anything that didn't go upside down!! My favorite was this flame ride that took your cart up and down, just inches away from the car in front of you. It was fast AND high...^_^ Such a thrill. I love rides now.

At the end of the day we were waiting in line for the scrambler..when I noticed someone familiar on the right in front of us. The bright red hair, the annoying laugh... "Hey, Roalee! That woman on the scrambler looks kinda like Desiree!" she looked as well..and it WAS Desiree!! ACK!! As soon as we realized it we pulled the rest of our group out of the line and ran away. If she'd seen us, she would have wanted to hang out with us!! Not my idea of a good time!!

We picked up scones...then went home. A great day all around. I watched a few more anime with Gen that night, then off to bed...

As for today itself...nothing! ^_^ I made a survey about myself, though! If any of you know me out there, you might wanna take it! Other than that...JA NE!

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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