What *ARE* you talking about?!

I'm not dead!

OMG CORN! - Yaoicon '06

Kiss Kiss fall in love!

Whooooo are you....

Can't we all just get along...?

People I tolorate:

~My sister

Site Specific:

~Lil' Bit About Me
~Say That You Love Me...
-My Japanese-obsessive survey!



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Rings I Belong to:

MY Diaryring!

At last! My very own layout!

*12:30 a.m.* - *August 11, 2002 *

~*Killing myself slowly...*~

Why haven't I updated the past few days? Because nothing happened. =/ I have a pretty dull life, really. All the interesting things I have to say usually involve someone else's stuff.

It's all the same: I hate my boss, I need a break from my job, and people confuse me.

Yes, I still hate my boss. She passes the blame for things she does wrong onto other managers, such as Roalee. For instance, the employees were very angry about their schedules this week, since most of them were scheduled for extra long shifts and/or shifts that were outside their availability. When this was brought to Desiree's attention at the meeting on Thursday, she claimed that she had nothing to do with the schedule this week, and that Roalee had made it! Desiree DID make the schedule, I was there when she did it, dammit! All Roalee did was look it over and enter it in the computer. The worst part is, Roalee wasn't there to defend herself; she was starting movies. She didn't know about it until Randy and I told her later. Needless to say, she was NOT happy. =/ I think she finally understands how the rest of us feel about Desiree..

I need a break from my job. I'm so stressed out it's not even funny. It's over little things, too...I dunno. I'm really tired of everything. Including the people around me. =/ Overexposure, even to something you love, can cause some resentment...I would really like to take a week off and go to an anime convention somewhere not in this state. ^_^ I dunno if Gen would go with me, though. Ah well. Things will work themselves out that respect.

People confuse me. I mean, they confuse the HELL OUT OF ME. =/ Maybe not people in general, but rather people in relationships. I don't understand how they think. =/ Although I don't know why this concerns me so much. Maybe it's because I don't really know how to react to other people. People, by nature, are selfish. Is this nature overruled when in a relationship, or are things done under the pretense of being generous while it's really done to satisfy one's self as well..? Is normally good judgement clouded by the fact that you love someone? Do people pretend not to see the truth to avoid being hurt by someone they care for?

^_^; Questions, questions. I wonder if it's even worth it to care for any one person too much. From personal experience, it causes nearly as much pain as it does pleasure. Is this delicate balance worth the trouble after all?

^_^ Of course, all of this philosphical thinking could merely be a result of my lack of sleep. I haven't done much resting this past week, and none at all in the last 48 hours. It's done wonders for my writing, but it feels as though my mind and body are about to break down. And so, I must get some rest before I am forced up in the morning for church. I wonder if I might be able to get out of it...We'll see. Oyasumi, minna. (Goodnight, Everyone.)

*Former* ~ *Latter*
Look, my manga collection!

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